NetBSD/pkgsrc-wip 7a09e24vault distinfo Makefile

vault: Update to 1.2.4


* In a non-root namespace, revocation of a token scoped to a non-root
  namespace did not trigger the expected revocation of dynamic secret leases
  associated with that token. As a result, dynamic secret leases in non-root
  namespaces may outlive the token that created them. This vulnerability,
  CVE-2019-18616, affects Vault Enterprise 0.11.0 and newer.
* Disaster Recovery secondary clusters did not delete already-replicated
  data after a mount filter has been created on an upstream Performance
  secondary cluster. As a result, encrypted secrets may remain replicated on
  a Disaster Recovery secondary cluster after application of a mount filter
  excluding those secrets from replication. This vulnerability,
  CVE-2019-18617, affects Vault Enterprise 0.8 and newer.
* Update version of Go to 1.12.12 to fix Go bug
  which corresponds to CVE-2019-17596.


* auth/aws: If a custom sts_endpoint is configured, Vault Agent and the CLI
  should provide the corresponding region via the region parameter (which
  already existed as a CLI parameter, and has now been added to Agent). The
  automatic region detection added to the CLI and Agent in 1.2 has been


* cli: Ignore existing token during CLI login [GH-7508]
* core: Log proxy settings from environment on startup [GH-7528]
* core: Cache whether we've been initialized to reduce load on storage


* agent: Fix handling of gzipped responses [GH-7470]
* cli: Fix panic when pgp keys list is empty [GH-7546]
* core: add hook for initializing seals for migration [GH-7666]
* core (enterprise): Migrating from one auto unseal method to another never
  worked on enterprise, now it does.
* identity: Add required field response_types_supported to identity token
  .well-known/openid-configuration response [GH-7533]
* identity: Fixed nil pointer panic when merging entities [GH-7712]
* replication (Enterprise): Fix issue causing performance standbys nodes
  disconnecting when under high loads.
* secrets/azure: Fix panic that could occur if client retries timeout
* secrets/database: Fix bug in combined DB secrets engine that can result
  in writes to static-roles endpoints timing out [GH-7518]
* secrets/pki: Improve tidy to continue when value is nil [GH-7589]
* ui (Enterprise): Allow kv v2 secrets that are gated by Control Groups to
  be viewed in the UI [GH-7504]
* cli: Command timeouts are now always specified solely by the
+5-62 files
