NetBSD/pkgsrc QtimJCVmisc/ansiweather distinfo Makefile

   ansiweather: Update to 1.13.0

   Patch submitted by Frederic Cambus, who takes maintainership.

   Upstream changelog
   AnsiWeather 1.13.0 (2018-07-16)

   - Do not attempt to fetch UV data when in forecast mode

   AnsiWeather 1.12.0 (2018-06-29)

   - Replace spaces in city names by '%20', underscores are not accepted
     anymore by the OpenWeatherMap API
   - Add support for fetching and displaying UV index
   - Document the UV index feature and related flags and options

   AnsiWeather 1.11 (2017-06-21)

   - Unicode symbols display is now off by default
   - Shorten default greeting text: "Current weather" => "Weather"
+8-82 files
