NetBSD/pkgsrc SAQnuvudevel/py-zconfig PLIST distinfo

   py-zconfig: updated to 3.4.0


   Many changes have been made in the support for logging configurations:

   - The log handler section types defined by the
     ZConfig.components.logger package support additional, optional

         Used to configure alternate format styles as found in the Python 3
         standard library.  Four style values are supported:
         classic (the default), format (equivalent to style='{'
         in Python 3), template (equivalent to style='$'), and
         safe-template (similar to template, but using the
         string.Template method safe_substitute method).  A
         best-effort implementation is provided for Python 2.

         A Boolean defauting to False for backward compatibility,
         allows arbitrary replacement field names to be accepted in the
         format string (regardless of the style setting).  This
         supports applications where log records are known to be generated
         with additional string or numeric fields, at least for some
         loggers.  (An exception is still raised at format time if the
         additional fields are not provided, unless the style value
         safe-template is used.)

   - The logfile section type defined by the ZConfig.components.logger
     package supports the optional delay and encoding parameters.
     These can only be used for regular files, not the special STDOUT
     and STDERR streams.

   - More validation on the parameters to the logfile and
     email-notifier sections is performed early (at the construction of
     the factory, rather than at creation of the logging handler).
     This allows more checking of parameter combinations before any log
     files are opened.

   - The ZConfig.components.logger.handlers.log_format data type
     function now supports formats that include numeric formatting for
     levelno, and accept funcName as a valid log record field
     (added in Python 2.6 and 3.1).
+19-103 files
