NetBSD/src 4qrF3Jjusr.sbin/makemandb whatis.c makemandb.c

   PR misc/54213: Fix performance of whatis(1) when no matches are found

   In revision 1.6 of whatis.c the query was modified to return matches for names found
   in MLINKS of the man pages as well. However it was slow. The reason probably being that it
   required a join. But more importantly the where condition on an FTS virtual table column
   is very slow. To avoid the join and the expensive where condition on the virtual table,
   add the name_desc column to the mandb_links table as well. This improves the performance
   of whatis(1) to the original level at the expense of slight data duplication.

   Bump the schema to force database rebuild to take account for the new column addition
+22-264 files
