NetBSD/pkgsrc-wip 3416cbepacker distinfo Makefile

packer: Update to 1.4.5


* added ucloud-import post-processsor to import custom image for UCloud
  UHost instance [GH-8261]
* builder/amazon: New option to specify IAM policy for a temporary instance
  profile [GH-8247]
* builder/amazon: improved validation around encrypt_boot and kms_key_id
  for a better experience [GH-8288]
* builder/azure-arm: Allow specification of polling duration [GH-8226]
* builder/azure-chroot: Add Azure chroot builder [GH-8185] & refactored
  some common code together after it [GH-8269]
* builder/azure: Deploy NSG if list of IP addresses is provided in config
* builder/azure: Set correct user agent for Azure client set [GH-8259]
* builder/cloudstack: Add instance_display_name for cloudstack builder
* builder/hyperv: Add the additional_disk_size option tho the hyperv vmcx
  builder. [GH-8246]
* builder/openstack: Add option to discover provisioning network [GH-8279]
* builder/oracle-oci: Support defined tags for oci builder [GH-8172]
* builder/proxmox: Add ability to select CPU type [GH-8201]
* builder/proxmox: Add support for SCSI controller selection [GH-8199]
* builder/proxmoz: Bump Proxmox dependency: [GH-8241]
* builder/tencent: Add retry on remote api call [GH-8250]
* builder/vagrant: Pass through logs from vagrant in real time rather than
  buffering until command is complete [GH-8274]
* builder/vagrant: add insert_key option for toggling whether to add
  Vagrant's insecure key [GH-8274]
* builder/virtualbox: enabled pcie disks usage, but this feature is in beta
  and won't work out of the box yet [GH-8305]
* communicator/winrm: Prevent busy loop while waiting for WinRM connection
* core: Add strftime function in templates [GH-8208]
* core: Improve error message when comment is bad [GH-8267]
* post-processor/amazon-import: delete intermediary snapshots [GH-8307]
* Fix various dropped errors an removed unused code: [GH-8230] [GH-8265]
  [GH-8276] [GH-8281] [GH-8309] [GH-8311] [GH-8304] [GH-8303] [GH-8293]


* builder/amazon: Fix region copy for non-ebs amazon builders [GH-8212]
* builder/amazon: Fix spot instance bug where builder would fail if one
  availability zone could not support the requested spot instance type, even
  if another AZ could do so. [GH-8184]
* builder/azure: Fix build failure after a retry config generation
  error. [GH-8209]
* builder/docker: Use a unique temp dir for each build to prevent
  concurrent builds from stomping on each other [GH-8192]
* builder/hyperv: Improve filter for determining which files to compact
* builder/hyperv: Use first adapter, rather than failing, when multiple
  adapters are attached to host OS's VM switch [GH-8234]
* builder/openstack: Fix setting openstack metadata for
  use_blockstorage_volume [GH-8186]
* builder/openstack: Warn instead of failing on terminate if instance is
  already shut down [GH-8176]
* post-processor/digitalocean-import: Fix panic when 'image_regions' not
  set [GH-8179]
* provisioner/powershell: Fix powershell syntax error causing failed builds
+5-52 files
