NetBSD/pkgsrc KU1WSdUdevel/R-Rcpp distinfo Makefile

   Update to 1.0.1

   Upstream changes:
   Changes in Rcpp version 1.0.1 (2019-03-17)

       Changes in Rcpp API:

           Subsetting is no longer limited by an integer range (William Nolan in #920 fixing #919).

           Error messages from subsetting are now more informative (Qiang and Dirk).

           Shelter increases count only on non-null objects (Dirk in #940 as suggested by Stepan Sindelar in #935).

           AttributeProxy::set() and a few related setters get Shiled<> to ensure rchk is happy (Romain in #947) fixing #946).

       Changes in Rcpp Attributes:

           A new plugin was added for C++20 (Dirk in #927)

           Fixed an issue where 'stale' symbols could become registered in RcppExports.cpp, leading to linker errors and other related issues (Kevin in #939 fixing #733 and #934).

           The wrapper macro gets an UNPROTECT to ensure rchk is happy (Romain in #949) fixing #948).

       Changes in Rcpp Documentation:

           Three small corrections were added in the 'Rcpp Quickref' vignette (Zhuoer Dong in #933 fixing #932).

           The Rcpp-modules vignette now has documentation for .factory (Ralf Stubner in #938 fixing #937).

       Changes in Rcpp Deployment:

           Travis CI again reports to (Dirk and Ralf Stubner in #942 fixing #941).
+7-72 files
