NetBSD/pkgsrc N2y9ROzeditors/poedit PLIST distinfo, editors/poedit/patches patch-src_welcomescreen.cpp patch-aa

   poedit: update to 2.2.3.

   Version 2.2.3

   - Fixed asserts when compiled against wxGTK 3.0.
   - [Windows] Fixed issue where custom font wasn't respected in some cases.

   Version 2.2.2

   - [Windows] Fix problem with some MSIE proxy configurations not being imported.
   - [Windows] Performance improvements.
   - Assorted bugfixes.

   Version 2.2.1

   - Improved highlighting of HTML and placeholders.
   - File references are now supported in XLIFF.
   - [Linux] Compatibility fixes for Wayland, wxGTK 3.0 and dark themes.

   Version 2.2

   - Support for editing XLIFF (both 1.2 and 2) files.
   - Fixes for correct handling of dark themes, including on macOS Mojave.
   - [Linux] Improved appearance with GTK+ 3.
   - [Linux] Updated AppData and desktop files to use reverse DNS naming.

   Version 2.1.1

   - Fixed breakage of some localizations on macOS.

   Version 2.1

   - Added import and export of translation memory as TMX files.
   - Added ability to delete bad translations from the TM.
   - TM now has limited support for plural forms (only nplurals<=2).
   - Improved handling plural form rules. CLDR is now used as the data source and
     expressions are checked for equivalence before warning about unusual forms.

   Version 2.0.9

   - Improved dark theme supports (still not perfect).
   - Fix broken list rendering of RTL text on Windows.

   Version 2.0.8

   - Add CakePHP support.
   - QA warnings and RTL fixes.
   - Make TM reset work when the index is corrupted.

   Version 2.0.7

   - Fix mangled non-English gettext error messages.
   - Add inline explanation of custom extractors syntax.

   Version 2.0.6

   - Fix hanging with certain rare (non-UTF8, non-ASCII msgids) PO files.

   Version 2.0.5

   - [macOS] Fixed crashing bug on macOS.
   - [Windows] Improved HiDPI support.
   - Assorted bugfixes.

   Version 2.0.4

   - Added support for Crowdin branches.
   - Poedit now remembers your pre-translation settings.
+53-375 files
